We designed dokrs to give you and your team more focus, alignment and transparency by combining the OKR framework (Objectives and Key Results) with our software. OKRs are an excellent tool for better teamwork and simple and clear goal setting. Dokrs allows you to incorporate your OKRs into your daily work routine to achieve your goals and facilitate your collaboration!

And this is how it works...

Empower & Learn:

OKR Academy

Are you and your team striving for more transparency, alignment and focus, but don't know how to achieve it? One possible solution is the OKR framework. The OKR Academy offers everything you need to know about OKRs and how to use them, with e-learnings, examples, quizzes, templates and much more. Here everyone will learn how to create great objectives with corresponding key results that will bring you and your team closer to achieving your goals!


Accompany: OKR Guide

Once you have become familiar with the OKR framework, the next step is to apply what you have learned to your everyday work. The step from theory to practice can be challenging at first. For this reason we have developed the OKR Guide. This guide will walk you through the entire process of creating good OKRs. For each step in the process, we give you clear instructions on the tasks, deadlines and next steps. Well-structured templates, guidelines, and checklists ensure you stay on track at all times.


Teamwork & Tracking: OKR Collaboration

As you and your team reach your full potential with OKRs, you need to keep an eye on the progress of the OKRs. Dokrs offers all essential features, such as creating and changing OKRs, recording the team's confidence level, regular check-ins and collecting learning results. Optimizes your team's workflows, structures your roles and tasks and simplifies your collaboration. Dokrs helps to make OKRs part of everyday work!


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